2nd.Sunday of Lent (Year B) (Feb. 25, 2024)
Gen 22:1-2, 9a,10-13,15-18; Rom 8:31b-34; Mk 9:2-10
“God always breaks into our world in a new way, and our lives will never be the
Today’s readings reveal a God of surprises, who acts in ways that his followers don’t
understand. And yet, they trust and follow, and their lives are transformed/changed
forever. In the 1st.reading, advanced in age, Abraham and his wife Sarah, were saddled
with barrenness. God intervened, thus promising them Isaac, to perpetuate their
generation. But soon after, God told Abraham, at age hundred to leave everything to an
unknown land. Add to that, God orders Abraham to sacrifice his only son he gave him.
How could God demand such sacrifice after giving such a gift? Yet Abraham is faithful,
climbs the mountain, prepares to do the unimaginable, until God reveals himself as a
demander, not of sacrifice, but of fidelity. This means, God always breaks into our world in
a new way, and our lives will never be the same! We only must stay vigilant, trust and obey!
Life Message: “Stay awake spiritually - Don't miss God's glory and action”: Luke's
Gospel account tells us that while Jesus was transfigured, Peter, James, and John were
asleep (Luke 9:32)! Upon awakening they discovered Jesus in glory along with Moses and
Elijah. How much do we miss of God's glory and action because we are asleep spiritually?
There are many things which can keep our minds asleep to the things of God: Mental
lethargy and the "unexamined life" can keep us from thinking things through and
facing our doubts and questions in the light of Christ's truth. The life of ease can also
hinder us from considering the challenging or disturbing demands of Christ to forsake all
for him and his kingdom. Prejudice can make us blind to something new the Lord may
have for us. Even sorrow can be a block until we can see past it to the glory of God.
Conclusion: How spiritually awake are you to Christ's presence and word of life for
you? Peter, James, and John were privileged witnesses of the glory of Christ. We, too, as
disciples of Christ are called to be witnesses of his glory. How? We, therefore, need
transformation in our Christian lives so that we may seek reconciliation instead of
revenge, love our enemies, pray for those who hate us, give to the needy without expecting
a reward, refuse to judge others and make friends with those we don’t naturally like. This
transformation will also enable us to hold back on harsh words and let love rule so that we
may seek reconciliation rather than revenge, pray for those who give us a hard time, avoid
bad-mouthing those we don’t agree with, forgive those who hurt us, and love those who
hate us. Remember, God always breaks into our world in a new way, and our lives will
never be the same! We only must stay vigilant, trust and obey!