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Homily - June 16, 2024

11th.Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B) (June 16, 2024)

Ezek.17: 22-24; II Cor 5:6-10; Mk 4:26-34.

“The word "impossible" is not in God's dictionary. For with God all things are possible.”

Introduction: Today’s readings are about the birth and growth of the reign/Kingdom of God, in our human lives and about the gigantic growth of the Church from very humble beginnings. Both growths are slow and mysterious, guided by the power of the Holy Spirit. Today’s Gospel teaches us how God causes His Kingdom to grow in human hearts and communities in a slow but steady way.

Life Message: The word "impossible" is not in God's dictionary: You remember David, a preteen shepherd boy, taking down the mighty soldier Goliath? You remember Moses, the stuttering herdsman who, in a personal interview with God, was directed to liberate his nation Israel, Pharaoh in Egypt. Albert Einstein seemed so slow and dull that his parents feared that he was mentally deficient. But the word "impossible" is not in God's dictionary. He grew up to become a great scientist and inventor. Indeed, 80% of success is perseverance! Hence, in today’s Gospel, Jesus compares the growth of the Kingdom of God to the germination of a wheat seed and that of a tiny mustard seed. Both have very small beginnings. The wheat seeds, by gradual but steady growth, give the farmer a bumper crop. In the same way, the life principle in a tiny mustard seed enables it to grow into a large bush. The reign of God in human hearts and the growth of the Church in the world also have small beginnings. But the Source of all life, God the Holy Spirit, gives to both a steady, persistent and gigantic growth.

Conclusion: A parable of encouragement: Firstly, the parable of the mustard seed is a word of encouragement for us, especially in the face of persecution or disillusionment. Things might not be what you and I want them to be, but there is still hope. God works in mysterious ways. God is still with us even when our efforts are frustrated, because He is the Source of growth. Growth often starts out small like a mustard seed and then blossoms into something huge. Secondly, these words of Jesus do is to remind us that while we are called to do something, we are not called to do everything. We scatter the seed, but the growth is up to God. The same process works in the Christian life. We practice daily prayer and Bible reading. We find ways to be of service to others. We pledge money and time to the Church and charitable purposes. We join the people of God at the altar regularly. These are some of the seeds that God uses to mold and shape our lives in love, peace, and hope. But the shaping happens both at God's own pace and as we are willing and able to cooperate with Him. Therefore, don’t lose hope, let’s encourage one another and remember that: “The word "impossible" is not in God's dictionary. For with God all things are possible.”


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