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Homily - May 5th, 2024

6th.Sunday of Easter (Year B). May 5, 2024

Acts 10:25-26,34-35,44-48;1Jn.4:7-10; John 15:9-17.

Do you wish to be fruitful and abound in the love of God?

What does it mean to be a friend of God? Friendship with God certainly entails a loving

relationship which goes beyond mere duty and obedience. The distinctive feature of Jesus'

relationship with his disciples was his personal love for them. Remember, “Jesus loved

his own to the end” (John 13:1). His love was unconditional and wholly directed to the

good of others. His love was also sacrificial. He gave the best he had and all that he

had. He gave his very life for those he loved, in order to secure for them everlasting life

with the Father.

Life Message: Do you wish to be fruitful and to abound in the love of God? The Lord

Jesus tells us that he is our friend, he loves us whole-heartedly and unconditionally. He

wants us to love one another just as he loves us, whole-heartedly and without reserve. His

love fills our hearts and transforms our minds and frees us to give ourselves loving service

to others. Thus, our love for God and our willingness to lay down our life for others is a

response to the exceeding love God has given us in Christ. Hence, in life, if we always

open our hearts to his love and obey his command to love our neighbor, then we will

bear much fruit in our lives, fruit that will last for eternity.

Conclusion: The Lord Jesus gives his followers a new commandment - a new way of love

that goes beyond giving only what is required or what we think others might deserve. It is a

love to the death - a purifying love that overcomes selfishness, fear, and pride. It is a total

giving of oneself for the sake of others - a selfless and self-giving love that is oriented

towards putting the welfare of others ahead of myself. Indeed, “…Greater love has no

man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends”, says the Lord.

Do you wish to be fruitful and to abound in the love of God? Then, “beloved let’s love

one another, because love is of God…Whoever doesn’t love, doesn’t know God, for

God is Love” (1Jn.4:7-8). AMEN!!


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