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Advent Dates & Events

Advent Wreath Lighting

An Advent Wreath Lighting will occur during all masses during the season of Advent. If you wish to participate in lighting the advent wreath during mass please contact Carol Morgan

Advent Reconciliation Mass

December 14th 7 p.m. Main Church

Join us in welcoming guest priests from the archdiocese as we continue our Advent journey and preparation for the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ with an Advent reconciliation. First

Communion candidates are invited for their First Reconciliation.

Christmas Preparation

December 18th, Following the 10 a.m. mass

Please consider staying after mass to decorate the parish sanctuary for the Christmas season.

All Parish Christmas Party

Sunday 18th December 5:30 - 7:30pm, Parish Hall

Gather to celebrate Christmas at the All Parish Christmas Party.

This event will be full of games, food and fellowship for all ages.

Dinner will be provided from Farrelli’s and will include pizza and salad.

Parishioners and families with children of all ages are welcomed.

Please bring a dessert to share if you are able.

Knights of Columbus Poinsettia Sales

December 17th-18th

The Knights of Columbus will be selling red poinsettias after

each mass with a suggested donation of $15.

You are welcome to purchase them for your home, or in honor

or memory of a loved one to be used to decorate the church. You

may also write their name on a provided card that will be placed

in the church. A majority of proceeds will be going to help our

new PREPARES program at St. Barbara, which gives support

(diapers, clothes, and food) to new and expecting mothers.

Parish Office Closed

December 22nd-23rd

December 26th

January 2nd

In observance of Christmas and New Years

Christmas Mass Times

Christmas Eve December 24th 5 p.m. & 7 p.m.

Christmas Day December 25th 9 a.m.

New Years Mass Times December 31st 5:00 p.m. January 1st 8:00 a.m. & 10:00 a.m.


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