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  • New Year's Day Mass Times

    December 31st 5 pm Main Church Solemnity of the Blessed Virgin Mary January 1st 8 & 10 am Main Church

  • The "Shared Cup" at St. Barbara

    The Archdiocese has given permission for parishes to offer consecrated wine during communion based on a personal choice. St. Barbara has started reintroducing both species during communion. All ministers are properly trained to wipe the cup between each person. Please, if you are feeling ill, refrain from receiving from the shared communion cup. Chalices were graciously donated by parishioners.

  • Low Gluten Host

    Consecrated low gluten hosts are available. For those that are gluten intolerant, please approach the altar on the “piano side”, following the consecration to receive communion with the Eucharistic ministers

  • Homily - Christmas 2022

    Christmas Vigil & Day Dec. 25, 2022: Isaiah 52: 7-10; Hebrew 1:1-6; John 1:1-5,9-14. “The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it” (Jn1:5). AS if by divine design, here in the USA, we celebrate Advent and Christmas during the darkest part of the year. That’s very symbolic! Darkness is humanity’s essential state. However, there is a”…light that shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it…”(Jn.1:5). In other words, in the darkest most lifeless season, the light of day now begins to grow in length and strength. There is a promise of new life ahead. At the darkest point in our year, and in our lives, Christmas reminds us that there is no darkness powerful enough, to overwhelm the power of God’s light and love. Hence, our God is a God of endless life and hope. In Jesus, God has become EMMANUEL: always with us and always for us! Alleluia is our song! Significance: The most paramount symbols that are used to communicate to us the greatness of the birth of Jesus Christ in human history are the Christmas tree and Crib which commemorate the Incarnation of the Savior. The custom of placing them near each other alludes to paradise, the tree of life, next to the tree of knowledge of good and evil. This reminds us of Adam’s creation, and of Christ, the new Adam, whose life is enclosed by the crib and cross. “Death came from the tree of paradise, and life resurrected from the tree of the Cross. Thus, the tree belongs to the birth, alluding to the Cross, the tree of life” (St. John Paul II). Life Message: One of the Christmas Psalm refrains says: “Today is born our Savior, Christ the Lord” (Lk.2:11). The word “TODAY” keeps running through my mind, that surely, Christ was born over 2000 years ago, but today he is born for each one of us. Today he comes to each of us to the degree that we can open our hearts to him. Today he comes to us in those we love, in those we forgive, in those who cause us distress, in those we serve and care for. Today he comes to us in prayer, especially in our greatest prayer-The Mass, where we listen to his Word, and then he offers us himself, as our spiritual food and drink in the Holy Communion. Conclusion: Therefore, as we celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior, we reflect, with thankfulness to God, on all the blessings we have received in our lives. And so, with the humility of the shepherds, let’s set out towards the Child in the stable and touch God’s humility, God’s heart. Then his joy will touch us and make the world more radiant. For, “God made himself a baby so that we could understand him, welcome him, and love him… Christmas has become a feast of gifts in imitation of God, who has given himself to us. Let us allow our heart, soul, and mind to be touched by this fact” (Pope Benedict XVI). PRAYER: Therefore, let us share this old beautiful prayer before the presents under the Christmas tree are distributed and opened: “Our Heavenly Father, before we open our gifts, we want to thank you for making Christmas possible. We remember that you gave Jesus to the world, and that he began his earthly life in a family. Help us to make him known in the world today, by the love we show him and each other in this family. Just as the Christmas tree stays green in winter as well as summer, give us the power to be true to you at all times. May these presents make us grateful for the love of those who gave them. Reward with blessings all who do kind things for others. Because we know that happiness of Christmas can stay with us only while we are loving, loyal, and thankful, we ask these things in the name of the Christ Child, who is our Savior and Lord”. AMEN.

  • Homily Dec 18, 2022

    4 TH.Sunday of ADVENT Year (A) (Dec 18, 2022) Is 7:10-14; Rom 1:1-7; Mt 1:18-24 “Behold, a virgin shall conceive and bear a son and his name shall be called Emmanuel-God is with us.” Introduction: The story of the Virgin Birth is at the heart of our Christmas celebrations. Hence, today’s readings focus on the story of the Virgin Birth. In the 1 st . reading, God gives a sign through the prophet Isaiah to King Ahaz of Judah: “Behold, a virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and his name shall be called Emmanuel” (Is 7:14). Matthew considers this one of the most descriptive and definite prophecies foretelling that the future Messianic king, the Christ, would be born as a descendant of David. The Refrain for today’s Resp. Psalm (Ps 24), “Let the Lord enter; He is King of Glory,” reminds us that, like Joseph, we must choose to let Jesus enter our hearts to rule our lives, for God never forces us to receive His gifts. Lesson: Today’s Gospel, from Matthew, focuses on the person and role of Joseph. In order for Jesus to fulfill the Messianic prophecy given by Isaiah, Joseph had to, and freely, willingly, did, accept Jesus as his son, making Jesus a descendant of David because Joseph was a descendant of David. Hence, Matthew makes it clear that Jesus was not the biological child of Joseph. But because Joseph was the husband of Mary at the time Jesus was born, and because he named and thus formally accepted the child as his own, Jesus was legally the son of Joseph and thus a descendant of David Life Message: We need to experience Emmanuel in our lives and change the world: God who entered our world through Jesus some 2000 years ago is at work in the world. But the question is, if God has come to be present in our lives and our world, then why are there so many lives which are unhappy? Why are people so hostile, hating each other, and why do so many love-relationships turn sour? Why is there domestic violence? Why is there child abuse? Why is there war in at least a dozen countries of God’s good earth at any given time? Why are so many people homeless and hungry, even in rich countries? The Good News, the consoling message of Christmas, is that the child Jesus still waits today to step into our hearts—your heart and mine—and to change us and the world around us by the beauty of God’s love, kindness, mercy and compassion. Let us take some time to let the Christ Child enter our hearts and lives this week, so that He may change our world of miseries with the beauty of that love. Conclusion: Let us be a Christmas gift to others: The greatest gift we can give to those we love, is to have faith in them, believe in their dreams, and try to help them realize them. We need to believe in the dreams of our husband, wife, children, parents, heroes, leaders, and friends, then try our best to help them realize those dreams.

  • Preparing For Christmas

    One of the ways I like to prepare for Christmas each year is to read the Christmas story from Scripture. (I use the version found on the USCCB website: Books of the Bible | USCCB) . As you may know, Luke’s Gospel holds the story from Mary’s experience, and Matthew’s Gospel holds the story from Joseph’s experience. Both Gospels must be read to get the complete story. We start the story in Luke, chapter 2 (LK 2: 1-20) with the “Birth of Jesus” and the “Visit of the Shepherds”. We meet Joseph, Mary, and Jesus, and we realize they are in a stable, as Jesus is lying in a manger because there was no room for them in the inn. (Spoiler alert: look in the scripture story, the innkeeper is never mentioned. Really!) The story moves on with the Shepherds out in the field just doing their job when an angel of the Lord appears to them. Their response is wonderful. See for yourself what their response was. How do you think you might respond? To continue the story, we must turn to Mathew’s Gospel, chapter 2 (MT 2: 1-12) to find the “Visit of the Magi”. Here we meet King Herod and the magi from the east. (Sorry, I have another spoiler alert: did you know there is no mention of “3”. Then again, there are three gifts.) I read the story over and over until I can ‘see’ it in my mind’s eye. If this were a play, who would I be? Joseph, Mary, Jesus, Shepard, Innkeeper, Herod, Magi? A person looking on from the street? As you take time to prepare for the coming of Jesus this last week before Christmas, have some fun with your family, read the story together and ask yourselves—who would you be in the story and why? - Valerie Winston Healy

  • Catholic Reflections 10/9/22

    My ministry journey has taken me to many destinations in the Northwest. I remember one winter in Wenatchee. My assignment was to work with the migrant families who were now permanently living in the area. Many of the youth, ages 7 -17, had moved frequently in their short lives and hadn’t had the opportunity to receive instruction for first reconciliation and first communion. Finally, their parents were able to gain year around work and they could take their classes. Finally, they would receive their sacraments. Finally, they would experience the mystery. Our meeting room was the bathroom of the single men’s dormitory, their parents met in the adjacent lunchroom area. The parent classes taught in Spanish, the youth classes in English. Week after week, I would come with homemade posters depicting bread and wine, hosts, and chalices to decorate the doors of the showers and stalls. We would sing, (and oh how we could sing in that bathroom), laugh, and study as we learned the importance of Jesus and the beauty of Eucharist. The excitement built, even in these simple surroundings. The day finally came for the youth to receive their sacraments. They were ready. They had put on their finest outfits, which for most were clean jeans and shirts; ironed and pressed. The “reconciliation room” was the kitchen of one of the family homes. One by one they crossed the gravel road to enter the kitchen for the priest to hear their confession. After reconciliation was complete, we gathered in the lunchroom for Mass. One simple guitar, played by a dad. Father’s simple traveling mass kit of chalice and ciborium. A cowboy hat used for the collection; a bandana offered for Father to take the collection home. Voices raised together to sing praises to our God. And proud parents who wanted their children to receive and have an encounter with Christ. This is one of my fondest memories from my years of ministry. It taught me so much about the presence and love of Christ. The desire of parents to pass on the faith. A faith freely given and freely received. How we are all called to join into the mystery and to be the Body of Christ in our world, together, no matter what we do, who we are, or where we come from. We are all one in the Lord, one in the God who created us. Thanks be to God. –By Valerie Winston Healy

  • Oktoberfest Auction Item Descriptions 2022

    Live Auction Items: Item Number/Description 1. “All Is Calm” when your high bid wins you reserved parking and a front row seat for the 5:00 Christmas Eve Mass. Your Christmas will be brighter when you celebrate with a little less stress in getting to the church on time! Donor: St. Barbara Parish. Value: Priceless! (Value determined by a mom who knows how challenging it can be to wrap up Christmas preparations, prepare dinner, dress children - and herself, and arrive in time for Mass ready with a mindset to celebrate the birth of our Lord! Whew! Like we said – Priceless!). 2. Cruise Beautiful Lake Sawyer during the summer of 2023 with your hosts Bob and Janie Edelman. This pontoon boat cruise is for six people. Enjoy an afternoon or evening summer cruise around the lake with a narration (history) provided by Janie. Hearty appetizers and beverages will be served  followed by Music on the Lake. The boat will be anchored by a dock to listen to local musicians play their tunes. Summer weekend of your choosing, subject to weather and schedules. Donor: Bob and Janie Edelman. Value: $200.00. 3. Italian Dinner on Lake Sawyer for 6. Enjoy an Italian dinner hosted by Anne and Steve Paige at their beautiful Lake Sawyer home. Dinner for six includes appetizers, beverages and dessert. This evening promises to be great fun with delicious food and games!  Donors: Anne and Steve Paige. Value: $250.00 4. Cocktail Making Course for Six: Learn about cocktails by making and tasting four miniature cocktails. Infuse an evening with tastes from the tropics, Paris, New York, and Seattle bars, using ingredients from home-grown herbs to specialty syrups, and of course, fire! Snacks are also provided.  Donor: Erik Kennedy. Value: $45.00/person; $270 for 6 people. 5. “The Luck of the Irish is With You Tonight” as hosts Steve and Valerie Winston Healy treat you to their traditional Irish dinner they are known for. Cozy up to the fire with select libations and mouth-watering appetizers in the late afternoon before dinner is served. Enjoy tender corned beef and the traditional trimmings. Irish Soda Bread baked by Valerie is served with delicious Kerrygold butter. And don’t forget dessert - paired with wines from Valerie’s collection. (Four adults).  Donors: Steve and Valerie Winston Healy. Value. $400.00. 6. Nativity Set from the extensive collection of Father Dave Rogerson. You too can now have one of the Nativity Sets that have been displayed in the Church narthex during Advent over the last many years. This nativity was made in Israel and carved from wood native to the area. Also included are  the books Art of the Creche and Nativities From Around the World. This is a beautiful set for the Advent and Christmas seasons. Donor: St. Barbara Catholic Church. Value: Priceless! 7. GOOOOO SEAHAWKS! Cheer on your favorite home team with two tickets to an October game in section 309 close to the 50 yard line! Seahawk swag includes two 20 oz. insulated tumblers, a Seahawk Gnome and Seahawk fleece blanket. There will be some flexibility in choice of games in October. Let’s say it again, “Gooooo Seahawks!”  Donors: Gary and Debbie Reed. Value: $350 8. Kentucky Distillery Exclusive Bourbon Basket: This basket is still in the making as the donors travel to Kentucky to select exclusive bourbons you can’t find anywhere else and just in time for delivery to the auction! Included is a glass set, whiskey stones, and a private tasting of whiskey for four people. Donors: Janette and Luca Maricich. Value: $450.00. 9. Lake House Getaway on Hicks Lake (Lacey): Relax in this newly updated cute and cozy one bedroom cottage which sleeps four for a two-night getaway.  Watch the geese and Bald Eagles soar overhead with a glass of wine on the deck. Enjoy the seasonal changes of fall, winter and early spring with a lake view. “Camp Midles” can be used as a base to visit the local area or just relax and enjoy this peaceful lake getaway. Donated by Mary and Dwight Midles. Value: $450.00. 10. Snowshoe Trek for Four: Have you ever considered heading out to embrace the best of the PNW in the winter? If you've never been snowshoeing, or it's been a while, this is a great introductory trek! You will snowshoe a maximum of six miles with the option to turn around early. This winter adventure will take you through beautiful forest land to a lakeshore and campground turned in a winter wonderland! Warm up with hot chocolate and snacks at the lake before returning to the car. Included: snowshoes, poles, permits, snacks and hot cocoa, and transportation from St. Barbara Church. Trek is recommended for ages 12+, although young children can be carried by their parents (and will not count toward the 4 snowshoers). Donor: Theresa Kennedy. Value: $520.00 11. "Come Sail Away!” A sailboat cruise for four adults with hosts Clay and Shari Anderson for an afternoon or beautiful sunset cruise on their 40 foot sailboat in Puget Sound. Clay grew up sailing on the sound and is very knowledgeable about the local waterways. Relax and enjoy the spectacular scenery that only our beautiful Pacific Northwest can deliver! Lunch or dinner served depending on the time of day, and of course, beverages! Donors: Clay and Shari Anderson. Value: $500.00. 12. Beautiful LaConner:  Enjoy a three day, two night stay in an updated secluded condo LaConner. just a short walk to wonderful dining and shops. This is a fun romantic getaway or girl’s trip. Every season has something to celebrate – the spectacular beauty of tulip fields against the backdrop of Mount Baker, fresh produce for a true farm to table meal in the summer or enjoy our favorite pumpkin farm in the fall with their unique pumpkin selection and artful displays. Your hosts will provide you with a list of favorite restaurants, wine shop, hikes, biking routes and other fun destinations.  Come discover the beauty, bounty of the Skagit Valley! Sleeps four adults. Donors: Doug and Polly Marsh. Value: $600.00 13. “Always the Season” this beautiful handmade quilt with a Christmas tree designed by parishioner Janie Edelman is always in season! The 56” x 70”size is perfect as a lap quilt or wall hanging during the Christmas Season or any time of the year. It is 100% cotton and is machine washable in cold water. (Do not dry clean.). Donor: Janie Edelman. Value: $600 14. Mt. Rainier Hike:  Mountaineer trained guide, Tom Harvey, will lead you on a hike of your choice of Mt. Rainier trails. Enjoy the amazing scenery and experience the beauty of God’s creation during this 8 hour start to finish day including transportation to and from the park. Hike selection will be based on recipient’s preference – easy walk or rugged climb – you choose! Celebrate with champagne cheese, fruit and bread at the conclusion of the hike. (Transportation provided for 3-4 adults. Tom will lead a hike for more if they choose to take their own transportation. Park pass required). Donor: Tom Harvey. Value: $600. Silent Auction Items Item Number/Description: 15. “I Don’t Feel Like Cooking Tonight:” Take the night off with this $50 gift card from Stockton’s Restaurant in Maple Valley. 16. Date Night! – Take time for the two of you with a night out courtesy of 516 Grill and their gift card for $40.00. 17. Date Night #2:  More than one can win a date night with their high bid for a gift card at Hops n Drops with a value of $50.00. 18. Bible and Rosary Set: This beautifully illustrated Bible covering the Gospels includes commentary and insights from Bishop Robert Barron, accompanied by a dazzling black crystal rosary with 18K gold plated crucifix. Donor: Word on Fire Ministries. Value: $75.00 19. Word on Fire’s “Bishop Barron” Book Set – This set includes two books written by Bishop Robert Barron, founder of the Word on Fire ministry. “Seeds of the Word” explores the seeds and signs of Catholicism in the modern world around us and “The Strangest Way” guides us through the true meaning of Christianity. Donor: Word on Fire Ministries. Value: $90.00 20. Word on Fire’s Breathtaking “Catholicism” Series: Journey around the world and deep into the Catholic faith with this blu-ray series, filled with beautiful cinematography, produced by acclaimed NBC filmmaker Mike Leonard! Donor: Word on Fire Ministries. Value: $110.00 21. Point Defiance Zoo Annual Family Pass Membership– Enjoy animals, experiences, and zoo fun all year around at Point Defiance Zoo! This annual family pass membership includes a one-year unlimited pass for two adults and their dependents. An adorable basket filled with a variety of animal “stuffies” completes this wonderful package! Donors: Point Defiance Zoo and Shannon Smith and Young Kim. Value: $270.00 22. Starbucks Set – Enjoy your Starbucks beverages in style with one of their iconic tumblers! This set includes a variety of three Starbucks tumblers, a bag of Starbucks coffee, and a variety of Tazo teas to fill up your cup! Donor: Starbucks. Value: $70 23. Mary Mother of Jesus Doll Set:  A perfect gift for any young child growing in their love for Mary, our mother. This plush Mary doll comes with three outfits so your child can learn through play more about Our Lady of Guadalupe, Our Lady of Fatima, and Our Lady of Lourdes. Donor: Value: $118.00. 24. Gardening with a Green Thumb:  Just in time for fall planting, this basket will help prepare your garden for next spring with tulip bulbs from Washington Bulb Company (Roozengaarde). Enjoy and learn from included gardening books and tools to help you succeed in creating beauty in your garden. Donor:  Sarah Midles.  Value: Pends. 25. Basket by Kathy Doan: This basket is under construction and information will be updated when received. Donor: Kathy Doan. Value: Pends. 26. Vintage Vino Wine Basket: Enjoy two delicious wines from Sweet Tales. Includes a sparkling Moscato and Rose. Pair your glass with two chocolate varieties by Jcoco. Invite your friends over to join in on the tasting! Donor: Vintage Vino in Maple Valley. Value: pends. 27. The Little Gym provides children a safe and inspiring space to direct energy, build confidence and develop a variety of skills. Enroll your child or grandchild today with this $100.00 gift card. Water bottle, shirt and tote included.  Donor:  The Little Gym, Maple Valley. Value $150.00. 28. Catholic Children's Basket: Pack a Mass Bag for the children in your life with this beautiful canvas tote, soft and plush Catholic themed blanket, silicone rosary perfect for little hands, "You Were Born A Saint" book, and other items from small Catholic businesses sure to keep little ones curious about their faith. Value: $155.00. 29. The Catholic Faith for Children: This Canvas Mass Bag will help teach your children with a rosary created to encourage children to pray like the "Shepard Kids" of Fatima. Included in this child geared basket are multiple Catholic art prints perfect for a playroom or bedroom as well as a soft organic Joseph the Worker t-shirt (size 12). Value: $100 30. Christmas Gift Wrap Basket: Wow your friends and family with beautiful gift wrap this holiday. Coordinating gift tags, ribbon, scissors, and tape are all you need to feel prepared for the gift giving season! Donor:  Sarah Midles. Value: $75.00. 31. Phantom Brazilian Jiu Jitsu – Learn the art of self-defense and get your fitness on with Brazilian Jiu Jitsu at Phantom BJJ! This certificate gives a one-month unlimited access for one person. Donor:  Phantom Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. Value: $150. 32. Phantom Brazilian Jiu Jitsu – Learn the art of self-defense and get your fitness on with Brazilian Jiu Jitsu at Phantom BJJ! This certificate gives a one-month unlimited access for one person. Donor: Phantom Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. Value: $150. 33. Kirkland! A collection of your favorite Costco treats. Your favorite not included? Enjoy a $25 Costco gift card to purchase what’s missing! Donors: Zack and Sarah Midles. Value: $125.00 34. Rustbucket Metalworks Handcrafted Set: Bill Councell’s beautiful metalwork talent is showcased in this carefully crafted set of metal angels, along with a Lake Michigan stone soap dish. Hand-formed with muscle, love and creativity. Donor: : Metalworks: Value: $66.00. 35. Milwaukee Tools is donating an item. Information pends. 36. Kate Spade Card Holder: This Kate Spade Slim Card Holder (3.0”x3.9”) in black Saffiano leather slips easily into pockets to carry necessary cards and identification while you remain hands free. Of course, it also slips into any purse! The exterior has 6 credit card slots and an open middle compartment. Donor: Katie Kolbrick. Value: $79.00. 37. First Communion Veil: This beautiful handmade veil created by parishioner Pauline Van Ruden is ready for your special girl’s First Communion and may become a family heirloom. Donor: Pauline Van Ruden. Value: pends. 38. Dilano’s Coffee: A coffee basket is being created for this auction. Contents and value pends. 39. PNW basket of art prints and other items:  This item is under construction. Contents and value pends. 40. Just for Him! This men’s grooming kit contains a shaving kit tucked into a travel bag with a $25.00 gift for a haircut at Doug’s Barber Shop in Covington. Donors: Doug’s Barber Shop and  Young Kim and Shannon Smith. Value: $65.00. 41. Do you enjoy smoked meats and cheeses?  A Black Diamond favorite is the Smoke House and More! Your $40 gift certificate can be used to purchase smoked pork chops, pork tenderloin, and smoked bacon.  You may also want to select pepperoni and jerky or another assortment of delicious products. YUM! These items make great gift giving or enjoy for yourself!  Donor: Smokehouse and More. Value: $40.00. 42. Want to know about the City of Black Diamond history with coal mining and its impact on Seattle? The Black Diamond Historical Museum has donated three wonderful books: Seattle’s Coal Legacy Pacific Coast, Seattle’s Own Railroad Black Diamond: Mining the Memories. Donor: Black Diamond Historical Museum. Value: $70.00. ​43. Beauty Bark - Who doesn’t need a load of beauty bark, mulch or gravel during your Fall or Spring yard clean up? Palmer Coking Coal has generously donated a $200 gift certificate for your gardening needs. ​44. Pamper Yourself!  – Enjoy a little “me” time with this spa mani & pedi certificate from Tip and Toe Paradise, along with fabulous SincerelyMe spa items to treat yourself. Or, give as a gift set to someone deserving of some pampering! Donor: Tip and Toe Paradise and Janette Maricich. Value: $100. 45. Grocery Outlet helps you grocery shop with this gift card for $50.00. ​46. Montana Huckleberry Gift Basket:  Under construction. Donor: Barbara Schile.  Value: pends. ​47. It’s Oktoberfest!  What better way to celebrate than with Black Diamond’s own brew pub, Lumber House Brewery!  Enjoy a tasting experience for two including eight 4 ounce tastes. Then fill up a 64 ounce growler with your favorite brew! Donor: Lumber House Brewery. Value: $55.00. ​48. Painting of Christ:  St. Barbara parishioner and local artist Renee Cooke has donated an original print from her beautiful painting of Christ with a crown of thorns. Beautifully framed in glass.  Donor: Renee Cooke. Value: $125.00. ​49. New Day – New You!  The days of skunk stripes, long overdue haircuts and the pandemic are coming to a close. Get a new cut and style at The Loft Salon with a $60.00 gift card in a basket of hair care items. Donor: The Loft Salon. Value: $100.00. ​50. Are you a “Real Housewife of Black Diamond?”  What better way to express it than in your own coffee mug donated by Shannon Smith and a manicure/pedicure donated by Mimi’s Nails in Diamond Square. Donors:  Mimi’s Nails and Shannon Smith. Value: $80.00. ​51. Reading with A Friend: This basket of delightfulchildren’s books includes a stuffed furry friend to share in the joys reading and storytelling adventures! Donor: Additional details pend. ​52. Just a Little Something is Black Diamond’s newest home décor shop. This cute and fun shop has a variety of home and gift items. Its owner has donated an assortment of items including a cute watering can with a nativity painted on it. Donor: Just a Little Something. Value: $50.00. ​53. Katie Kolbrick Photography: Katie grew up at St. Barbara Parish and now has three young daughters. Her passion for the art of photography has developed into a business specializing in family and wedding photography. She takes pride in providing sessions that allow families and couples to be themselves while capturing their true essence and inner beauty. This package includes a 45-60 minute photo session and all edited digital images (typically 30-50). Donor: Katie Kolbrick Photography. Value: $475.00. ​54. Take a hike! Basket for lovers of the PNW outdoors includes name brand gear including a Platypus water bottle, Sealine dry sacks and a Sea to Summit stuff sack, Therma rest seat, Pack owl quick dry towel, Energizer headlamp, and more all packed into a collapsible bucket. Perfect for short day hikes or multi-night treks through the wilderness!  Donors: Theresa Kennedy and Ann Brennan. Value: $155.00 ​55. Climb Tacoma: Practice your bouldering skills in Tacoma’s premier bouldering gym with this package of four passes and shoe rental. Children are welcome in a special room designed specifically for them. Donor: Climb Tacoma. Value: $100.00. ​56. Tacoma Rainiers:  Contents and value pend receipt. ​57. Elisabeth’s Cookies:  Plan your next wedding shower, baby shower or birthday with two dozen iced and beautifully decorated sugar cookies from Elisabeth. Select from Elizabeth’s designs and impress your guests! Or, create your own special celebration just by enjoying these delicious cookies! Donor: Elizabeth Vandenberg. Value: $120.00. ​58. Kate Spade Chelsea Medium Backpack and Cosmetic Case: Always in style, the designer backpack and matching cosmetic case are made of nylon in a pretty blue with jacquard interior lining. The storage space of 13.7”x 10.4” x 7.2’ includes interior has a front flip, credit card slots, key leash and back zip pockets. It also has a front zip pocket and 2 side pockets for easy access while you enjoy a day on the town! The matching cosmetic case is also designed for organized storage with multiple  pockets. Pockets and storage everywhere in this lovely combination! Donor: Katie Kolbrick. Value: $425. 59. “Harvest Home” As autumn arrives with its beauty, colors and scents, we reconnect with the warmth and comfort of our homes. This decorative reusable box celebrates the fall season with a variety of items to warm your space. The box contains decorative and usable items including a cozy throw, scented candle and soap, decorative pumpkins, baking utensils, pumpkin mugs, tidbit plates and more! There is even a recipe for delicious pumpkin bars – after all, ‘tis the season of  the pumpkin! Donor: Polly Marsh. Value: $150.00. ​60. Bad Back or Do You Need Just a Great Stretch? This inversion table provides traction and stretch for your back. This is a gently used item donated by a parishioner who used it for just a few weeks following back surgery. Donor: Debbie Suver. Value: $330.00. ​61. “Let’s Hit the Links!” Enjoy a round of golf for four at Lake Wilderness Golf Course with a cart. A parishioner who lives on the course will include a selection of “abandoned golf balls” harvested from his yard, cleaned up and ready to make a new home in your golf bag. Donor: Lake Wilderness Golf Course. Value: $100. (Value does not include the addition of abandoned golf balls!) ​62. “Silver Shimmer” This package includes a lovely silver chrome watch and Brighton chrome earrings with crystals. This will make a nice gift for a friend or yourself! Donors: Janet Henkel/Janie Edelman. Value: $100.00. ​63. “Feed the Birds” Be a bird watcher in your yard all winter long with this package containing a hummingbird feeder and nectars, a seed birdfeeder and suet birdfeeder with a variety of suet packages. A 10 pound bag of bird seed will keep your flying friends happy throughout the winter. Donor: Johnson’s Home and Garden. Value: $100.00. ​64. Suburban Soul: Celebrate your suburban soul with a basket of scented soap, lotion and candle. Enjoy a $100 gift card to select items to warm your soul from this lovely clothing and gift shop in Maple Valley. Includes a coupon for 15% off your purchase! Donor: Suburban Soul. Value: $150.00. ​65. Alcohol Related Basket:  Basket under construction. Information pends. ​66. Children’s Nativity Set: Another nativity from the extensive collection of Father Dave Rogerson. Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me,” which is exactly what they will be able to do as the learn about the Holy Family with this colorful set. Children will be able to engage in hands on play as they rearrange the set throughout advent and the Christmas season.  A children’s book about the nativity is included. Donor: St. Barbara Catholic Church. Value: Priceless play and learning for children! ​67. Kitchen House Studio: Information to be updated when items are received. ​68. Wood Burned Engraved Northwest Art Panel: Inspired by the Pacific Northwest, this live-edge basswood panel is burned and engraved by hand by local Black Diamond artist Jonny Bobgan. Dark stain has been added to the sky and water for contrast, and to showcase the wood grain. Donor: Inkline Ridge. Value $90.00.

  • St. Barbara Youth Choir

    Have you heard? St. Barbara is going to have a youth choir. We are currently accepting youth ages 5 to 12. If you or someone you know are interested, please send an email to Katy at They will perform for Advent and the weekend after Easter.

  • Catholic Stuff is Back

    Have a catholic question you have always wondered about and Google just can't seem to answer well? Valerie is back and ready to guide and discuss any issues regarding the catholic faith you are looking to answers. Check the calender for latest times for meeting up. Currently scheduled for Wednesdays from 7 to 8:30. No RSVP necessary, this is open forum and casual.

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