2nd.Sunday of Advent
Dec.10, 2023. Isaiah 40:1-5,9-11; 2Peter 3:8-14; Mark 1:1-8.
A voice cries: "In the wilderness prepare the way of the LORD, make straight his paths…”. A

A Tale of Repentance. Not too many years ago, newspapers carried the story of Al Johnson, a Kansas man who repented of his sins and chose Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior. Remarkably, his newfound faith in Jesus Christ was so strong that, he confessed to a bank robbery he had participated in when he was nineteen years old.
Because of the statute of limitations, Johnson could not be prosecuted for the offense. But because of his complete and total change of heart, he not only confessed his crime but voluntarily repaid his share of the stolen money! -- That’s repentance – metanoia -- the radical change of heart demanded by John the Baptist in today’s Gospel as he cries out: “Prepare the way of the Lord. Make straight his path. Every valley must be filled in, every mountain made low, and rough road made plain.”
Life Message: Who then, is John the Baptist and what is the significance of his message for our lives? His life was fueled by one burning passion - to point others to Jesus Christ and to the coming of his kingdom. Hence, John’s ministry must be our task of being trailblazers, and through Christ, bring others closer to God, by “…creating the new heaven and new earth, in which righteousness dwells…” (2nd.reading). Parents, serve a very significant role as trailblazers, by setting an example for their children and serving as their first teachers in all things. Teachers, coaches, and those in positions of Authority like the government and the Church, play an important role, as youth look up to them as advisers and guides.
Conclusion: Let us use these days of preparation for Christmas to ready ourselves for Christ’s daily coming and Second Coming, remembering that the Second Coming will occur for each one of us on the day of our death, or on the Day of the Lord, whichever comes first. Let’s therefore, step up to the plate, be accountable, and, like John the Baptist, blaze paths that will truly make our families, neighborhoods, nations, and churches better and more holy. A voice cries: "In the wilderness prepare the way of the LORD, make straight his paths…”.
Because of the statute of limitations, Johnson could not be prosecuted for the offense. But because of his complete and total change of heart, he not only confessed his crime but voluntarily repaid his share of the stolen money! -- That’s repentance – metanoia -- the radical change of heart demanded by John the Baptist in today’s Gospel as he cries out: “Prepare the way of the Lord. Make straight his path. Every valley must be filled in, every mountain made low, and rough road made plain.”
Life Message: Who then, is John the Baptist and what is the significance of his message for our lives? His life was fueled by one burning passion - to point others to Jesus Christ and to the coming of his kingdom. Hence, John’s ministry must be our task of being trailblazers, and through Christ, bring others closer to God, by “…creating the new heaven and new earth, in which righteousness dwells…” (2nd.reading). Parents serve a very significant role as trailblazers, by setting an example for their children and serving as their first teachers in all things. Teachers, coaches, and those in positions of Authority like the government and the Church, play an important role, as youth look up to them as advisers and guides.
Conclusion: Let us use these days of preparation for Christmas to ready ourselves for Christ’s daily coming and Second Coming, remembering that the Second Coming will occur for each one of us on the day of our death, or on the Day of the Lord, whichever comes first. Let’s therefore, step up to the plate, be accountable, and, like John the Baptist, blaze paths that will truly make our families, neighborhoods, nations, and churches better and more holy. A voice cries: "In the wilderness prepare the way of the LORD, make straight his paths…”.